Donald Trump Unggah Video Kampanye Mike Pence soal Warga Afrika-Amerika

- 27 Agustus 2020, 17:36 WIB
Wakil Presiden AS Mike Pence*
Wakil Presiden AS Mike Pence* //Twitter/@Mike_Pence

Baca Juga: Daftar 5 Aplikasi yang Dilarang di Amerika Serikat Oleh Donald Trump

Berikut beberapa tanggapan Netizen mengenai video tersebut:

“Trump’s presidency has been a catastrophe for the USA. There is only one way out of this nightmare - voting for @JoeBiden in November! #BidenHarrisLandslide2020," tulis akun @murray_nyc 

“Raise your hand if you think that Donald Trump needs to be removed from office immediately.” tulis akun @DPWIMM

“Republicans are trying to scare you into believing that Joe Biden will lead to lawlessness & anarchy to distract you from the rising white nationalism & catastrophic death toll of the Trump presidency. Don’t fall for it. And when Trump glorifies one, we inevitably get the other.” tulis akun  @candour99.***



Editor: Ayusandra Adhitya Septi Andani

Sumber: Twitter


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