Lisa BLACKPINK Trending di Twitter, Ada Apa dengan Lisa?

25 Oktober 2020, 19:00 WIB
Fakta Lisa BLACKPINK /@lalalalisa_m/Instagram /@lalalalisa_m/Instagram

KABAR JOGLOSEMAR - BLACKPINK meraih sejumlah penghargaan dalam comebacknya di tahun 2020 lewat lagu Lovesick Girls.

Ini tentu menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi BLACKPINK. BLACKPINK pun masuk dalam trending topics di Twitter.

Bersamaan dengan hal tersebut, nama Lisa BLACKPINK juga ikut masuk dalam trending topics di Twitter.

Baca Juga: 3 Member BLACKPINK Kompak Unggah Postingan di Instagram

EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY LISA menduduki trending topics. Fans berlomba-lomba memberikan dukungan untuk Lisa BLACKPINK.


"Thank you for working really hard for this album. We're so proud of you girls! You did really well for this era. Rest well & take care. For our maknae, take your time. Everything will be okay Lisa! We will always support 4 of you. We love you @BLACKPINK! #THEALBUM #LovesickGirls" tulis akun @BLACKPINK_WW.

"Take as much time as you need Lisa, we can wait. I know it's really hard for you right now, I hope your family and friends can help you and I hope you see us people all around the world supporting and loving you. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY LISA," tulis akun @slays_world.

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Tak sedikit akun yang menyebutkan bahwa Lisa BLACKPINK bisa mengambil waktu untuk beristirahat sementara waktu.

Tak hanya itu, fans juga mengungkapkan bahwa Lisa BLACKPINK telah bekerja keras dalam promosi Lovesick Girls kali ini.

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"Lisa, you’ve worked hard this comeback. Well done! Take your time and rest well. We’ll wait for you. We love you, Lisa! Yellow heart. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY LISA," tulis akun @KweenieMay.

"Take your time love. We'll wait for you patiently. Always remember you have lilies and true blinks on your side. You did well, since day 1. We love you, so much. 
@BLACKPINK EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY LISA," tulis akun @acelalalisam_.

Hingga kini, fans BLACKPINK masih terus memberikan dukungan untuk Lisa BLACKPINK.***


Editor: Ayusandra Adhitya Septi Andani

Sumber: Twitter


