3 Member BLACKPINK Kompak Unggah Postingan di Instagram

- 25 Oktober 2020, 18:00 WIB
BLACKPINK bawa pulang trofi ke-6 di Inkigayo berkat lagu "Lovesick Girls"
BLACKPINK bawa pulang trofi ke-6 di Inkigayo berkat lagu "Lovesick Girls" /Youtube.com/SBS

KABAR JOGLOSEMAR - 3 member BLACKPINK kompak mengunggah postingan lewat instagram pribadi mereka.

Ketiganya mengucapkan terima kasih pada BLINK (sebutan untuk fans BLACKPINK) karena sudah mendukung mereka selama ini.

Baca Juga: EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY LISA Trending di Twitter, Fans Beri Dukungan untuk Lisa BLACKPINK

Lewat comeback tahun ini, BLACKPINK berhasil meraih sejumlah penghargaan dengan lagu Lovesick Girls.

Namun, Lisa BLACKPINK belum mengunggah postingan seperti ketiga member lainnya.

Berikut ini adalah postingan ketiga member BLACKPINK beserta terjemahannya.

"Blinks, thank you for all the support you guys have been pouring on us this comeback. We had so much fun performing Lovesick Girls and can't wait to get back on stage soon.

Your support has meant the world to us! Thank you and we miss you." tulis Rose dalam akun @roses_are_rosie.

"Blink thank you for making me happy until the end of the day. I was happy to be able to show you more of the group of blackpink with a regular album, and I always have a blink that I always support you.

Thank you for coming out every day in the cold weather and sorry for not being able to say hello because of the dangerous situation. Always thankful and love you," tulis Jennie lewat akun @jennierubyjane.


Editor: Ayusandra Adhitya Septi Andani

Sumber: Instagram Twitter


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