Cara Isi Nyawa hingga Stamina di Red Dead Redemption 2 PC, Bisa Permanen!

- 18 Maret 2023, 22:17 WIB
Poster game PC Red Dead Redemption 2
Poster game PC Red Dead Redemption 2 ///YouTube/ Rockstar Games

- Cheat kereta kuda 1: The best of the old ways

Baca Juga: TERUPDATE! Lokasi Gun Van GTA 5 PC Edisi 18 Maret 2023, Temukan Segudang Rare Weapon di Sini

- Cheat kereta kuda 2: Keep your dreams simple

- Cheat Unlimited Ammo: Abundance is the dullest desire (Wajib beli koran di Chapter 1)

- Cheat uang 500 Dolar:  Greed is now a virtue

- Cheat buka map: You long for sight and see nothing (Wajib beli koran setelah misi “Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern” di Chapter 3)

Itulah tadi serba-serbi game Red Dead Redemption 2. Belum punya game PC ini? Silahkan download di sini.***


Editor: Ayusandra A S A

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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